i + i = sickness & health

It’s only been 4 months since our wedding and so far our commitment has come to live out the meaning sickness & health, even though we didn’t use that exact phrase as we had a spiritual wedding not a traditional wedding. Our justice of the peace was nothing short of amazing when she wrote our ceremony specifically for us.
She spoke of life’s challenges and each day being new and right now watching Phil go through his treatment is difficult. As I know how tired he is and how difficult it is for him to balance his work with his selfless service to someone in need. So much that he jeopardizes his own well being. I both admire & dislike this quality in him because I can see how hard this treatment is becoming and hope he can slow his life down temporarily.

In the midst of all this chaos his youngest son is failing 3 core high school classes and wants to live with us full time. He’s asked this of us before but nothing came to be. This won’t be an easy conversation with his mother. We will see. I’m completely on board with it if it is what he chooses as he is old enough to decide for himself. I only hope that it will help the situation.

~ Jessica (challenges)

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