i + i = Helpless

This has been really tough on the both of us. I feel helpless when it comes to Jessica. I want to take the pain from her. When we found out the news that we will be losing the baby, she tried to stay strong by couldn’t hold back the emotions. I held her in my arms to comfort her. We headed to the hospital to await surgery. I tried my best to stay with her. I was up since 2:30 in the morning and couldn’t stay awake. I don’t know what it is about me but I don’t feel traumatic things right away. When I woke up at home the next day is when the pain set in and I began to cry.
Jessica is such a strong women and I love her for that. I look up to her in many ways.
So I have been experiencing some pain and discomfort myself. It started a month or so ago with tendinitis in my right elbow. Then with last Thursday waking up with lower back ache. I brushed it off as I slept wrong. Over the weekend I realized that it was more than that. The pain has been getting increasingly worse. It feels like a pinched nerve. I say that because if I stretch my arms over my head the pain subsides. Last night was the worst. I could not get comfortable. I tossed and turned. I woke this morning with back and hip pain. I’m now sitting at the walk in clinic waiting to be seen.
On top of everything that has transpired, I will be starting my treatment of interferon and Ribavirin this Friday for my Hepatitis C. I have an appointment with my doctor for the first injection at 4. My wife will be accompanying me to the appointment. The journey is about to begin. I’m nervous yet excited at the same time. I have been waiting a long time to start this. It’s finally here.

~ Phil

i + i = follie day

I woke up super early. I was ready to have this procedure. How many follies will they collect?

Phil went to work at 12:00 AM because he is insane and wanted to be sure he got paid. I took a shower, plate with the dog and waited. I had to be sure I had no perfume, lotion, jewelry, nail polish, and make up on. I dressed comfy. We left the house at 6:30 AM, it’s a 40 minute drive and I have this thing with being late. I would rather be early than late. We got there at 7:15. Now we wait.
They called my name and brought me to a part of the office I didn’t even know existed. I changed into that fashionable gown and those gripped socks. The nurse was super sweet. I was told to empty my bladder so they don’t have to place a catheter in me while I’m under. Yikes! I immediately complied. I met the anesthesiologist. He asked me some questions. He asks about my teeth if they are chipped, cracked, loose and I ask why and he say just in case I have to help you breath. I say lets hope not! It was time to prep my arm. Another nurse popped around the curtain to distract me as he placed a plastic tube into my right arms vein. Uncomfortable and weird feeling.
It’s time. The surgeon came and met with me just to say high and tell me what they would be doing.
And I’m up and on to the table, legs in the stirrups. The anesthesiologist says I’m gonna give you something that will make you tired and boom the last think I recall is a bumper sticker in the ceiling that says BREATH.
Next thing I know the nurse is saying my name. I’m on a gurney in a different room and she asks how I’m feeling. Phil appears and I tear up as soon as I see him. The nurse tell us we have 13 follicles!! She says the ladies in the waiting room would be love to have that many. Then the fire alarm starts going off. Really??? They need to evacuate. I’m up getting dressed getting wheeled out. It’s a good thing I was still out of it.
We stopped to eat because I’m starving (against nurses orders) but I love breakfast and its way past my eating time. I have been laying around all day. I feel pretty good. Phil’s been helpful and has stayed with me all day. He’s making me pizza right now!
Now we wait. Either Saturday or Monday will be the transfer date.
~ Jessica (relaxing)